Blame the process, not the people

People who work to uncover the root causes of an incident or non-quantity outcomes of processes, often feel handicapped by the widely used phrase “blame the process, not the people”. This article will take a deeper dive into the meaning behind the phrase. The phrase has two nouns “process” and “people”. On the surface the […]

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The Thinking Manager/Leader

A common success factor uniting managers and leaders from supervisor to CEO, is the practice of attentive thinking. For each level in the organization what the most important things they think about from a work perspective varies: Supervisor: Thinking about getting work done and achieving results 1 day to 3 months out. Ist line Manager: […]

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Getting the Feedback You Want

Gen Z and millennials, it is reported regularly crave feedback. Whether it is true of Gen X or a wider demographic, getting feedback is reassuring or scary – depending on its nature. I have often said that “I really appreciate getting feedback, but hate it!”. This, of course is the thing with feedback in the […]

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The Power of Unreasonable Requests

A weekend is coming up. You will likely do the same things you always do on a weekend. Sleep in a little later? Fix a few things around the home? Spend time with the children?  What would happen if you posed this question to yourself or your partner, spouse or family: “Let’s design the best […]

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The Super Power of Processes

Processes can be blamed or praised for the outputs they produce. A process that is applied in exactly the same way, time after time, will consistently produce the same output. This is a stable process. A stable process can produce an undesirable. We call an output that is not desired non-quality. As the process is […]

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The Power of Speaking up

The most often occurring fear that my coachees have shared with me is the fear of speaking up. “My heart beats faster, my hands get sweaty and I decide that I will just remain quiet” said one coachee. This was similar to many others who had differing physiological experiences of the fear of speaking up. […]

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