Making Cadence Meetings hum!

The word ‘cadence’ describes a rhythmic sequence of music or words. Popularized for business by the Agile process, it has since become commonplace for managers to have and attend cadence meetings (usually daily or weekly). Cadence meetings are rhythmic in that they happen at the same time and day each period and their purpose is […]

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Don’t be a Problem Magnet!!

No miracle occurs when you become a manager. You do not suddenly acquire amazing problem solving powers! And yet, it is tempting , as a manger, to see yourself as the problem-solver-in-chief. As a Middle Manager you will always be aware of problems that need to be resolved. In fact, you are accountable for dealing […]

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Leading to a different future

In a previous article I described the role of a MM as ‘manaleader’, meaning that you are both a manager and a leader. I drew the distinction between the two. In this article I want to share with you the process for leading. Remember all work is a process The leader imagines a […]

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